Who are you talking to?

There are 4 key audiences you need to think about staying in touch with during this crisis.  How you treat them will determine how your business survives or thrives in the end.

  1. Your staff – they are your future. You might have laid them off or they are still employed.  Either way they need to know what is going on.  Be careful not to overshare your concerns but rather communicate to show you care and share any actions you will be taking.  Keeping them in the loop builds loyalty and connection.  If you’ve laid them off, you most likely want them back.  Build connection and they will show it in kind.
  2. Clients – many companies are like a deer in the headlights; frozen or doing mass emails about their response to COVID-19.  Switch the perspective.  Tune into their mindset: What’s in it for me?  Share how you are working for them or what you are doing to help them; and best of all, call and listen to them and their worries. You don’t have to have all the answers, just listen and make them feel understood and heard.
  3. Prospects – what you share with prospects will depend on where we are in the COVID-19 Business Trajectory Model. Add value where you can. Be in communication with them to help them plan for their future.  Connections you make now will pay off when the dust settles.
  4. Business Ecosystem – this is your supply chain, vendors, contractors, financial institutions, referral sources and other outside support systems you have that make your company run. Remember they are strained and stressed. Their businesses are impacted by your actions.  Keep them informed about what you are doing and your plans.  When we reach the Actualization phase you will need them.  Going dark now does not engender trust and partnership.

While you won’t have all the answers for each of these audiences, you can reach out, be caring and attentive.  It will pay off in spades on the other side of all of this.