Are you behaving?

Look around you.

We see those who are panicked. They are frantic in business and in their personal lives. Conversation is almost exclusively about the coronavirus; regurgitating everything heard on CNN, Fox or social media. It’s understandable. These are trying times.

But we also see those who refuse to live a life of panic. Yesterday we spoke to a client whose business was down 90%. He told us how grateful he was for all the good fortune he’s had, and the opportunity to connect more with his young children and wife.

We then talked about what we could do to strengthen his business. He was attentive and positive. None of us were allowing negativity to drag us down and stifle the creative thinking needed at this critical time. We immediately began developing a strategy that considered the COVID-19 phases to come and how we would use them to our advantage.

We hope you are behaving, analyzing and making plans to strengthen your business.

Call us if you need insight.

And read our SILVER LININGS to keep your thinking positive. We can do this.