Think Big

When you are away from the bright lights of the city, peering into the vast blackness of the universe, with its magnificent shimmering flecks, you ponder the meaning of life. Your mind moves to dreams, humanity, your part in the play. You think big.

As night turns to day, the shimmering black canvas fades away bringing light. The stars you pondered are no longer visible. You forget that they are still there. And your big thinking is fading like the stars themselves. You are thinking about your tasks – your tactics. You think small.

Those who truly excel keep their big thinking alive during the day. Their goals remain in sight. And even though goals like the stars feel distant…so  hard to reach out and touch, their big thinking brings them closer. They’ll soon find them within their grasp and achieve them.

The moral: Think big. Keep the shimmering black canvas in sight. Allow your mind to drift and dream. You are playing an important part in universal humanity. Your thoughts, ideas and actions matter, perhaps more than you’ll ever know.