There is hope

Yesterday at the grocery store the atmosphere was as you’d expect in the current climate – a lot of worried, tired customers hurrying to see if what they needed was on the shelf, then rushing to check out and get out of the store quickly. But even in this atmosphere, I saw some remarkable things.

I saw a woman in the checkout isle next to mine unload her cart onto the conveyer belt. Then, she noticed an older woman behind her with her arms full of items. She immediately put a bunch of her items back in her cart to make room, and then urged the woman to go before her in the line.

I saw a clerk tell a woman she could only purchase 2 cans as opposed to the case she had in her cart. The couple behind the woman in line offered to take the remaining cans and put them back on the shelf for her.

I saw a store clerk patiently and kindly tell customer after customer that they did not have toilet paper, but told them when they expected more, and suggested some other stores they could try.

I was only at the store for about 10 minutes. But what I saw gave me hope.

You can give your customers that feeling. Lots has changed (temporarily) but some things haven’t. Remind your network that you are still there, and will continue to be there and ready to serve them. There is still hope.