That didn’t work

Don’t you love how people say “We tried that, it doesn’t work”? Actually what we hear is more along the lines of: “We did that ONCE and it was a total failure!”

Now when I hear “once” and “failure” I am driven to disbelief. First of all, if you only give something a shot once you never truly know.  Take liver for example.  Gross, never eating that again!  But fois gras, that might just change your mind. And is anything truly a failure?  Was there nothing at all learned from a disappointing outcome? You never asked anyone out on a date again?

At NK&A we are about conversation. Each marketing effort can be measured, noodled and discussed. In looking closely at the results you can always find an opportunity.  Those 17 people who clicked through to your website from a webinar evite but never registered are an opportunity to retarget and refine your messaging. Or after 15 social media posts this month, the ones that got you high levels of engagement are the insight into what matters to your followers.

So don’t dismiss something out of hand.  Look closely. What treasure troves of opportunity are being missed?

Want to start a conversation and find your hidden treasures?