Norman Rockwell – turkey and stuffing – pumpkin pie. Young and old smiling around the Thanksgiving table. Sounds so iconic. Part of this description may represent your Thanksgiving, other parts not so much, or it may just not describe it at all. Regardless, we still all refer to it as “Thanksgiving,” and that’s alright with us.
Of all the holidays, and there are many (from Veterans Day to International Fanny Pack Day) we like Thanksgiving the most. Not because other holidays aren’t worthy, but because the idea of thankfulness is something we need to be constantly reminded of. Setting aside a day for it is brilliant.
Thanksgiving depicts a family sitting around a table. This is too narrow. Broaden your thinking to include giving thanks to your postal carrier, the cash register clerk, your client’s admin and your client herself, the person who held the door for you.
Turkey or pasta, pumpkin pie or baklava, it makes little difference. Savoring the time, and appreciating little things like a fleeting smile, laugh or “thanks for coming” shouldn’t be overlooked, be it at home for the holidays or in the business world. We need to share. Thanksgiving to that.
Here is what/who we will be making special efforts to express thanks for this Thanksgiving:
Victoria: The Department of Public Works in the town where I live. The roads are pothole free, we have not lost power due to downed trees in a long time, and they keep finding ways to make things better every day.
Dwight: To the early birds at my health club who bring such a great attitude with them at 5:30 in the morning.
Eliza: To the nice man I pass on my jog each morning that always brightens my day with a smile and a hello.