Jumpstart your thinking 

We all need to do certain things.  (You tend to find them on your to-do-list). Accomplishing them is about responsibility and that’s important in life.  But to feel good about your work it’s more than checking boxes.  It’s about taking on initiatives with passion. To do that you need to think creatively.

How do you switch on your creative mind?

To start, here’s a list:

  • Go out for a walk
  • Call somebody you haven’t talked to in a while
  • Contact somebody and tell them how wonderful they are
  • Workout in whatever way suits you (stretch, yoga, run, lift weights, dance, etc.)
  • Take a shower and turn your brain on
  • Put on your favorite music and sing to it
  • Draw or doodle – doesn’t matter if you’re good or not
  • Write or journal whatever comes to you

So, the next time your brain needs a jumpstart, refer to the list.

For starters we recommend you go find a favorite song and give it a listen.  You’ll see your creative mind kick into gear. Give it a try.