5 pieces of advice for bosses and managers, from our Admin

Successful remote working

Remote working is fantastic. Perhaps you are discovering this for yourself and/or your company. NK&A has been working remotely for many years. Often our clients are surprised to learn that although our company is based in Massachusetts, our Marketing Admin is located in Utah. We have met face to face only 2xs in 4 yrs. We’re often asked, “How does that work?” And we are happy to reply that it works very well. It took the investment of time to make it work as well as it does for our company.

There are unique challenges to remote working. It can be difficult to manage time effectively, and ensure you are giving your team the support they need. We asked our Marketing Admin, @Eliza Fry to provide some advice to first time remote bosses. Here are her wise recommendations:

  1. Communicate: Check in with your team members regularly. This will vary depending on the size of your team and the type of work you are doing, but regular calls will keep your team members from feeling forgotten or on their own, will ensure that everyone is on the same page, and will establish a sense of community. Once you decide on the frequency of contact, put it in your schedule. It’s easy to get busy and assume that everyone knows what is going on, but that may not be the case. Avoid frustration – communicate.
  2. Hold regular meetings: Meetings allow your team to touch base not only with you, but with each other on upcoming deliverables and projects. Find the technology that works best for you and get your team together.
  3. Have tough conversations: You may think you are helping your team by keeping them in the dark, but as much as you feel able, keep them in the loop. They are afraid as well, and while you don’t need to share details, if you can communicate where the business is, your goals, and how you see things playing out, it will engender a sense of loyalty and will help your team prepare for the future. And, they might surprise you with ideas that will help your business.
  4. Take care of yourself: As a leader, It can be tempting to work all day when you work from home. It’s not like when you were working in an office – you never “leave” your work. But it’s important to step away occasionally, mentally as well as physically. You have to get used to taking breaks during the day, and signing off for the night. It is most important for business leaders to do this. Your stress level is high and there is a lot on your shoulders right now. When you make it a point to take some time to breathe, you will be better able to handle the stress that is prevalent during this time. Your team will be able to tell the difference if you do – they will hear it in your voice and in the way you communicate with them. And, encourage your team to do this as well. Remind them that their health and well-being comes first, and that they will need to be more intentional about it now. (Link to Ways to stay healthy and sane).
  5. Be flexible: This is all new, and your team will need some time to adjust and find the rhythm that works best for them. Ask them how things are going, and be open to changing systems that don’t seem to be working.

I was unsure about working from home when I started with NK&A more than 5 years ago. I had only worked in offices previously, and I had lots of concerns. But the way my bosses handled things made it possible for me to be successful at my job. I feel like part of the team, and I understand my role in it. I feel appreciated and I know how to make a contribution and what is expected of me. I am enabled to do my job effectively, and have found that working remotely is a wonderful way of life.
