Watch your language
Our language is derived from the context of our lives. The context has created many new terms that reflect the feelings, mood and sentiment of our time:
Coronacation – a Generation Z term referring to the vacation nature of remote schooling
Blursday – the sense that one day blurs into another
Covidiot – someone who doesn’t believe in the threat of COVID-19 and doesn’t adhere to health norms (mask wearing, social distancing, etc.)
Zoombombing – hijacking a Zoom videocall
#WFH – work from home
Quaranteams – the work or community teams formed during stay at home orders
IT Traffic – the excuse for being late to a virtual meeting
COVIDcrash – those days where one feels super down and blue
SIP – Shelter in Place
Some of these words will become a part of our ongoing vernacular and some will be a fading fad. What we do know is that the words Safety, Distancing, and Protection will now connote the actions we are taking to look after the greater good and the individual.
Take care to think about the language that will best reflect your brand’s response to the current mood and needs of those you serve.