Why get up in the morning?

Why do you get out of bed every morning and set out to do what you do?

This is a big question. I suspect that if we conducted research we’d get many different answers to this question. We could bucket the answers into categories like: to make money, to gain notoriety, to satisfy my love for ___, or even a cynical “I don’t get out of bed in the morning!”

So what do you do? Are you inspired, uninspired, driven by lofty goals or a lofty paycheck? We ask this question of ourselves when we look at our clients. Some are bankers, lawyers, accountants, techies, an artist, even a collector of rare cars, and motorcycles. Some are out to make a buck. Others are out to make the world a better place.

In the past we’ve done profiles of clients who amaze us (for example Dr. Garo ArmenMike Hayesetc.). The one thing they all have in common is a passion for what they do. Upon further reflection we’ve concluded that those with the most passion are also driven by a desire to help people.

We’d like to highlight another client that falls into this model of high passion and high service to others. It’s The Thoreau Club.

At first blush The Thoreau Club is another health club. The truth is Thoreau is far more than that. The staff have strong values. The Thoreau team listens to what each individual is striving for and is committed to their success. They know that helping the individuals strengthens the larger community. There is also a conscious bridging of the past to the present. Preserving what is good in those that come before you, and the activities and the vibe that goes with it and holding it and keeping it relevant and important for future generations. Thoreau is committed to what works. They don’t support the current notion of quick fixes because in the end they don’t help individuals reach and sustain their goals. They believe in longer-term thinking; the sustaining of life-long benefits. Like the aging of a good wine or the compounding of a smart investment. Thoreau invests in its members and the community, creating quality habits that benefit members and improve lives, and in some profound ways, even save them.

How you ask?

Let’s start with young kids. Camp Thoreau supports kids during the formative years, when curiosity is peeked. Kids are like sponges. This is when we learn basic skills, habits and develop perspectives that carry us for the rest of our lives. Camp Thoreau is a life development camp where quality time is spent outdoors with others, exploring, playing and growing.  Then these campers of today become the staff of tomorrow. They pass on what they’ve learned. This chain of passing on strong values and life lessons from camp life has continued for the last 70 years. And to the campers, Thoreau becomes their home. It’s safe. They come back to the club and continue to learn and grow.

The staff at Thoreau have seen this before. They know from personal experience that nurturing kids matters, and so does nurturing adults. Just like kids, adults have many needs. It’s not just fitness, it’s social, it’s mental, and it’s the ability to keep yourself balanced through all stages of adult life. Teens and adults find a community in the tennis program. It’s renowned for its development of young tennis players, but it’s equally proud of how older players still have love for the game and keep on playing and sharing it with others later in life. The swimming program follows the same model with the same results. All ages swim here. Of course there is fitness, but there is also coaching and training and yoga and Pilates to name a few. A program as rich and varied as the member themselves. There is no diet program, but there is a life wellness program because Thoreau is committed to life wellness. Thoreau believes that all deserve the opportunity to make wellness a reality. Commit-To-Get-Fit is that opportunity. For some it’s just taking their fitness/wellness to another level. To others it’s nothing short of a life changing experience.  For all it’s about meeting goals, and providing positive encouragement through the ups and downs. (Yes, they happen to us all.) It’s a system that works.

At the heart of it all, the business is based on the best that we humans can offer – the caring for others. Businesses often get a bad rap, and some deservedly so. But, some businesses don’t get enough credit for what they do. The Thoreau Club is a perfect examples of this. At NK&A, we’re proud to work with them.

If you have stories of businesses you think deserve accolades, please share them with us. We love a good story!

I have a story to share