Simple strategies win – 4 tips

In working with clients we “load the deck” with ideas on how our clients can win and meet their defined goals. If they win, we win too!

Having a strategy is a great way to load the deck. It’s basically three easy steps: first you decide what it means to win, then you decide how to play the game in order to win, then you celebrate your win – our favorite part.

But the catch is that developing a strategy is not that easy. There are so many choices, so many ideas, and oh so many decisions to make.  And that is where expert advice comes in handy.  Let’s say you want to generate more leads.  You have ideas (usually loads of them), but how do you know which ones will ensure you come out on top when combined?  An expert can help you!  While you’re shopping for an expert remember they should be interested in the following 4 things to ensure you receive a winning marketing strategy:

  1. Goals: This will not be a surprise. Set specific goals (i.e. 6 months from today we want to be averaging 10 additional new leads a week) and know how to measure them.
  2. Targets: Decide who you are targeting.  It’s not good enough to say “10 new leads”. They have to be 10 new leads that fit the type of client you desire to attract. What good is it to have 10 new leads who make you miserable?
  3. Resources:  There are loads of ways to get where you’re going.  As we say around here- anyone can come up with a creative idea, but the ideas that matter are the ones that can actually be implemented. Knowing the talent, budget, time frame and systems you already have in place helps you create a strategy that will actually work. You can’t create a win with a strategy that sits on a shelf somewhere because it is unreasonable and unachievable.
  4. Metrics: Let’s face it, we have to know where the finish line is in order to win. Understanding your systems, or lack thereof, are critical to developing a strategy that can actually be measured so the win can be celebrated.

Here’s the best part – strategies should be simple, straightforward, and grounded in reality.  When you (or your expert) take these 4 elements into consideration, you are loading the deck and setting yourself up for a win.